Always case

From HDLBits


Case statements in Verilog are nearly equivalent to a sequence of if-elseif-else that compares one expression to a list of others. Its syntax and functionality differs from the switch statement in C.

always @(*) begin     // This is a combinational circuit
    case (in)
      1'b1: begin 
               out = 1'b1;  // begin-end if >1 statement
      1'b0: out = 1'b0;
      default: out = 1'bx;

  • The case statement begins with case and each "case item" ends with a colon. There is no "switch".
  • Each case item can execute exactly one statement. This makes the "break" used in C unnecessary. But this means that if you need more than one statement, you must use begin ... end.
  • Duplicate (and partially overlapping) case items are permitted. The first one that matches is used. C does not allow duplicate case items.

A bit of practice

Case statements are more convenient than if statements if there are a large number of cases. So, in this exercise, create a 6-to-1 multiplexer. When sel is between 0 and 5, choose the corresponding data input. Otherwise, output 0. The data inputs and outputs are all 4 bits wide.

Be careful of inferring latches (See.always_if2)

Module Declaration

// synthesis verilog_input_version verilog_2001
module top_module ( 
    input [2:0] sel, 
    input [3:0] data0,
    input [3:0] data1,
    input [3:0] data2,
    input [3:0] data3,
    input [3:0] data4,
    input [3:0] data5,
    output reg [3:0] out   );

    always@(*) begin  // This is a combinational circuit

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