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Branch direction predictor
A branch direction predictor generates taken/not-taken predictions of the direction of conditional branch instructions. It sits near the front of the processor pipeline, and is responsible for directing instruction fetch down the (hopefully) correct program execution path. A branch direction predictor is usually used with a branch target buffer (BTB), where the BTB predicts the target addresses and the direction predictor chooses whether to branch to the target or keep fetching along the fall-through path.
Sometime later in the pipeline (typically at branch execution or retire), the results of executed branch instructions are sent back to the branch predictor to train it to predict more accurately in the future by observing past branch behaviour. There can also be pipeline flushes when there is a mispredicted branch.

For this exercise, the branch direction predictor is assumed to sit in the fetch stage of a hypothetical processor pipeline shown in the diagram on the right. This exercise builds only the branch direction predictor, indicated by the blue dashed rectangle in the diagram.
The branch direction prediction is a combinational path: The pc
register is used to compute the taken/not-taken prediction, which affects the next-pc multiplexer to determine the value of pc
in the next cycle.
Conversely, updates to the pattern history table (PHT) and branch history register take effect at the next positive clock edge, as would be expected for state stored in flip-flops.
Branch direction predictors are often structured as tables of counters indexed by the program counter and branch history. The table index is a hash of the branch address and history, and tries to give each branch and history combination its own table entry (or at least, reduce the number of collisions). Each table entry contains a two-bit saturating counter to remember the branch direction when the same branch and history pattern executed in the past.
One example of this style of predictor is the gshare predictor[1]. In the gshare algorithm, the branch address (pc
) and history bits "share" the table index bits. The basic gshare algorithm computes an N-bit PHT table index by xoring N branch address bits and N global branch history bits together.
The N-bit index is then used to access one entry of a 2N-entry table of two-bit saturating counters. The value of this counter provides the prediction (0 or 1 = not taken, 2 or 3 = taken).
Training indexes the table in a similar way. The training pc
and history are used to compute the table index. Then, the two-bit counter at that index is incremented or decremented depending on the actual outcome of the branch.
- ↑ S. McFarling, "Combining Branch Predictors", WRL Technical Note TN-36, Jun. 1993
Build a gshare branch predictor with 7-bit pc
and 7-bit global history, hashed (using xor) into a 7-bit index. This index accesses a 128-entry table of two-bit saturating counters (similar to cs450/counter_2bc). The branch predictor should contain a 7-bit global branch history register (similar to cs450/history_shift).
The branch predictor has two sets of interfaces: One for doing predictions and one for doing training. The prediction interface is used in the processor's Fetch stage to ask the branch predictor for branch direction predictions for the instructions being fetched. Once these branches proceed down the pipeline and are executed, the true outcomes of the branches become known. The branch predictor is then trained using the actual branch direction outcomes.
When a branch prediction is requested (predict_valid
= 1) for a given pc
, the branch predictor produces the predicted branch direction and state of the branch history register used to make the prediction. The branch history register is then updated (at the next positive clock edge) for the predicted branch.
When training for a branch is requested (train_valid
= 1), the branch predictor is told the pc
and branch history register value for the branch that is being trained, as well as the actual branch outcome and whether the branch was a misprediction (needing a pipeline flush). Update the pattern history table (PHT) to train the branch predictor to predict this branch more accurately next time. In addition, if the branch being trained is mispredicted, also recover the branch history register to the state immediately after the mispredicting branch completes execution.
If training for a misprediction and a prediction (for a different, younger instruction) occurs in the same cycle, both operations will want to modify the branch history register. When this happens, training takes precedence, because the branch being predicted will be discarded anyway. If training and prediction of the same PHT entry happen at the same time, the prediction sees the PHT state before training because training only modifies the PHT at the next positive clock edge. The following timing diagram shows the timing when training and predicting PHT entry 0 at the same time. The training request at cycle 4 changes the PHT entry state in cycle 5, but the prediction request in cycle 4 outputs the PHT state at cycle 4, without considering the effect of the training request in cycle 4.
is an asynchronous reset that clears the entire PHT to 2b'01 (weakly not-taken). It also clears the global history register to 0.
Module Declaration
module top_module( input clk, input areset, input predict_valid, input [6:0] predict_pc, output predict_taken, output [6:0] predict_history, input train_valid, input train_taken, input train_mispredicted, input [6:0] train_history, input [6:0] train_pc );